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資料筆數共計 7 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

PharmCo: Inject 1—Ransomware
作者姓名:Michael Parent; Greg Murray; Sundeep Sandhu;
出版日期:2020/03/30內容長度:2 頁

Additional Supplement to accompany 9B20M053.

作者姓名:Michael Parent; Greg Murray; Sundeep Sandhu;
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B20M053
出版日期:2020/03/30內容長度:8 頁

PharmaCo was a large, multinational, integrated pharmaceutical company. Its board of directors was meeting to discuss a possible friendly merger with a complementary competitor and to review a quarterly cybersecurity report. However, before either of these discussions could begin, PharmaCo’s chief financial officer interrupted with news that the company’s customer database had been encrypted by hackers in a ransomware attack and a ransom of $25,000 .....more

PharmaCo: Inject 5—Malware Infection
作者姓名:Michael Parent; Greg Murray; Sundeep Sandhu;
出版日期:2020/03/30內容長度:2 頁

Additional Supplement to accompany 9B20M058.

PharmaCo - Presentation
作者姓名:Michael Parent; Greg Murray; Sundeep Sandhu;
出版日期:2020/03/30內容長度:144 頁

Presentation for product 8B20M053.

PharmaCo: Inject 2—Email Theft
作者姓名:Michael Parent; Greg Murray; Sundeep Sandhu;
出版日期:2020/03/30內容長度:2 頁

Additional Supplement to accompany 9B20M053.

PharmaCo: Inject 3—Phi Theft
作者姓名:Michael Parent; Greg Murray; Sundeep Sandhu;
出版日期:2020/03/30內容長度:2 頁

Additional Supplement to accompany product 9B20M053.

PharmaCo: Inject 4—Large Breach and Phi Theft
作者姓名:Michael Parent; Greg Murray; Sundeep Sandhu;
出版日期:2020/03/30內容長度:2 頁

Additional Supplement to accompany 9B20M057.